

          Moral Degeneracy

            Moral degeneracy is always related to the sin nature trend of self-righteous arrogance or legalism. Moral degeneracy expresses itself in the sins of arrogance, the function of arrogance like revenge, gossip, slander, maligning, crusader arrogance, spirituality by asceticism.

            Moral degeneracy is a distortion, it combines morality with arrogance in the fragmented life and contends that such modus operandi is spirituality. In rightly dividing the word of truth then the believer must distinguish between morality which is related to laws of divine establishment, and virtue which is related to the protocol plan of God, and especially the function of the ten problem-solving devices.          


          Moral Degeneracy

            1. Legalism unchecked results in moral degeneracy.

            2. Moral degeneracy expresses itself in various sins of arrogance. E.g. motivational sins such as jealousy, bitterness, vindictiveness, implacability, hatred, self-pity, hypersensitivity, seeking to change others to conform to the pattern of legalism. Secondly there are functional sins such as revenge, inordinate ambition combined with inordinate competition to form conspiracy, slander, maligning, gossiping, judging, crusader arrogance resulting in Christian activism which results in the destruction of property, civil disobedience, violence, and even in Christians committing murder in the name of Christ.

            There are the sins of asceticism including the commitment of heresies, extreme self-denial, and self-mortification, abstinence from normality, abnormal austerity.

            3. Moral degeneracy substitutes human ability, human energy, human power, for the ability and the energy and the power of God the Holy Spirit.

            4. Moral degeneracy justifies sinful and evil action through distorting morality into a system for justifying tyranny and evil.

            5. Moral degeneracy follows the pattern of post-salvation sinning in three categories: a. Implode; b. Explode; c. Revert. Degeneracy is defined as decline from standards considered normal, to revert from divine standards, to sink to a state below normal for the protocol plan of God.


            If moral degeneracy has any predominant characteristic it is the tendency to judge others. We will classify this tendency as judgement arrogance. Judgement arrogance is the function of the self-righteous legalist who is seeking to impose his false standards on others. He is judging them for not accepting his standards; he is judging them for not being like he is. He is in moral degeneracy.


            Immoral Degeneracy

            Immoral degeneracy results from the sin nature’s trend toward lascivious/lawlessness [antinomianism]. It is a part of the fragmented life and is manifest in sexual sins, chemical sins [drug addiction or an alcoholic problem], sins related to crime. In the status of fragmentation believers are capable of the sins of antinomianism. Perpetuation in the fragmented life results in the Christian committing the sins of antinomianism and entering into a state of immoral degeneracy. In other words if you don’t check fragmentation you are going to end up in what the Bible calls corruption.

            The reaction of legalism to antinomianism results in the heresy of faith plus, or salvation by works, and spirituality by works. Legalism erroneously contends that believers who commit the sins of antinomianism and perpetuate this fragmentation are really not saved in the first place because they didn’t add something to faith.

            Then we have the problem of judgement arrogance, the function of the self-righteous legalist who seeks to impose his standards on others and judges them for not accepting these false or non-pertinent standards.

            Loneliness is one of the easiest of all problems to resolve. Any time you are lonely you can thank God for it because loneliness is often a means of accelerating your spiritual growth. Once you have reached a certain point and you have a greater capacity for love, for friendship, for happiness, when you are using the problem-solving devices, all of a sudden that loneliness comes to a halt and you find yourself involved in wonderful relationships with people as a result of your momentum in the protocol plan of God.